Leofoto PAN-01+QP70 Panning Clamp with arca dovetail and QR plate
A ball head that can also be rotated horizontally cannot act as a turntable. As soon as you have unlocked the ball head, you lose the horizontal fixation and thus the nodal point (node) of the VR system. Only a few millimeters of deviation lead to a deviation of several millimeters in the nodal point in the extension to the optics. The software can then only process the individual images with difficulty. It can also lead to serious stitch errors that can only be eliminated with extensive retouching.
Nodes or nodal points of an imaging optical system are the points on the optical axis to which the light rays that enter the system at the same angle to the optical axis as they leave it again seem to approach (front nodal point) or from which they seem to start (rear nodal point). If there is a medium with the same refractive index in front of and behind the optical system, the nodal points coincide with the main points.
The pivot point relevant for panoramic photography does not normally coincide with a nodal point, but with the position of the entrance pupil of a lens, which only in a special case (a single thin lens without an additional diaphragm) coincides with both nodal points.